MITA Is for Students

Using MITA as an assigned resource for a course? We’ve got answers to your questions! To learn about using MITA as a voluntary supplement to your learning, check out our Self-Learners page.
Answers to some questions we hear from students
To use MITA with a class, purchase a subscription to the full version of MITA here. Easy instructions for downloading the program and activating your subscription will be sent via email.
That depends on what course(s) you’re taking that will require MITA. Whatever you decide, remember you can easily change your subscription type for the next renewal period or cancel any time (though we hope you’ll want to keep using it even after your course is over!). Here are some tips for courses on a semester system. If you’re on any other system, feel free to have a read and apply the logic.
One-Semester Courses
Six-Month Subscription: $64.95
This is your simplest option. Advantages are that you have a couple extra months to use MITA once your course is over, and you can cancel it as soon as you subscribe and keep using the program until your six months are up. That way, you don’t have to worry about cancelling later (though we send reminders for 6-month subscriptions in case you don’t cancel early, and if you do, you can always resume or change your subscription if you decide you’d like to keep using MITA after your class ends).
Monthly for Four Months: $12.95 x 4 = $51.80
Alternatively, you might save a bit of money by subscribing to a monthly subscription if your course is only going to span four months or fewer (e.g. August 27 to December 21). Subscriptions renew automatically, so in order to maximize your savings, you’ll just need to remember to cancel once your course is over (we don’t send renewal reminders for monthly subscriptions because many people find them annoying).
Monthly for Five Months: $12.95 x 5 = $64.75
This only saves you 20 cents compared to a six-month subscription, but one advantage of paying monthly is that you can spread the cost over each month, rather than paying it all up front. Still, if your course is going to be over four months long (e.g. January 14 to May 17) you may want to consider a six-month subscription because of the benefits discussed in the first bullet point.
Year-Long Course Suites (like Music History I and II)
Annual Subscription: $124.95
This is your simplest option. Advantages are that you have a couple extra months to use MITA once your course is over, and you can cancel it as soon as you subscribe and keep using MITA until your year is up. That way, you don’t have to worry about cancelling later (though we send reminders for annual subscriptions in case you don’t cancel early, and if you do, you can always resume or change your subscription if you decide you’d like to keep using MITA after your class ends).
Six-Month Subscription, then Monthly for Three Months: $64.95 + ($12.95 x 3) = $103.80
Alternatively, you might save some money by choosing a 6-month subscription and then immediately switching to monthly if your course is only going to span nine months or fewer (e.g. August 27 to May 17); we won’t start charging you for monthly until your six months are up. Subscriptions renew automatically, so in order to maximize your savings, you’ll just need to remember to cancel once your course is over (we send renewal reminders for 6-month subscriptions but not monthly because many people find them annoying). This requires more work on your part but can lead to savings.
Monthly for Nine Months: $12.95 x 9 = $116.55
This option saves some money compared to an annual subscription, is simpler than going from six-month to monthly (though we promise that’s not hard to do), and allows you to spread the cost over the duration of your course. Just set a phone reminder to cancel when your course finishes.
Three-Semester Course Suites (like Music History I, II, and III)
Three Six-Month Subscriptions: 3 x $64.95 = $194.85
This is your simplest option. Just set your subscription to six months and let it run. You can cancel anytime during the third term, and we’ll send you a reminder before automatically renewing for a fourth term, so you can be sure to cancel in time.
Monthly for 16 months: $12.95 x 16 = $207.20
This option allows you to spread the cost over the duration of your course. We recommend setting a reminder to cancel in your last month, because we don’t send reminder emails for monthly subscriptions.
Annual, then Monthly for 4 Months: $124.95 + ($12.95 x 4) = $176.75
Save some money by buying an annual subscription and then immediately switching to monthly, especially if your final semester is going to be four months or fewer (e.g. August 27 to December 21). No worries if you don’t switch right away; we’ll remind you before your subscription renews for another year, but make sure to switch before it does. We recommend setting yourself a reminder (on your phone, calendar, etc.) to cancel the monthly subscription, because we only send email reminders for annual and six-month subscriptions.
Six-Month Subscription, then Monthly for Three Months, then Cancel for Summer, then Monthly for Four Months: $64.95 + ($12.95 x 3) + ($12.95 x 4) = $155.60
You’ll need to stay on top of it, but you can save considerably by choosing this option.
For an individual work, perhaps. Yet the Sampler provides only a foretaste of MITA’s full range. It is designed to give teachers, music professionals, and self-learners full but snapshot experiences of how MITA works. The Sampler does not begin to approach the coverage envisioned by virtually all music courses.
A computer (PC or Mac) and an internet connection. It’s as simple as that.
A few more details: Your computer will need to meet certain minimum requirements, though virtually all computers manufactured within the past five years do. You can check the specific technical requirements on our MITA Setup page.
MITA streams audio, video, and other multimedia resources over the internet, meaning you’ll need a connection to use the program. This is why the MITA application consumes only about 70 MB on your computer’s hard-drive; several terabytes of audio and video resources sit on our world-wide servers. Our file compression means that the demands on your internet are minimal. If you are stuck somewhere without an internet connection, MITA will even run from a hotspot on most mobile phones (learn how to create a hotspot on an Android phone or iPhone).
Once you’ve subscribed to MITA, you will find its interface intuitive and easy to navigate. Contextual help (the ? in the Control Panel) is available on every page of MITA, though users rarely need to consult it. You can also find tips about getting started here, and we encourage you to sign up for our emails if you’d like more suggestions on how to get the most out of MITA.
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM